Crowchild Twin Arena Oldtimers (CTAOT) Hockey Tournament 02: Status

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CTAOT: Status


Crowchild Twin Arena Oldtimers (CTAOT)
Hockey Tournament

2019's tournament is a 'go!'

Tournament dates are March 8, 9, 10, 2019.

All players/goalies (from 2018) will be contacted in January 2019!


See our CTAOT - IMPORTANT DATES section, for details.



2019-01-25 Team Captains have been contacted.

2019-01-25 Goalies (from CTAOT 2018) have been contacted.

2019-01-25 Players (from CTAOT 2018) have been contacted.

Please note: Dan is currently working through the submitted application forms, from the CTAOT 2019 players/goalies.  Each player/goalie will be contacted, to confirm receipt of your application (or your intention not to play, this year).

Please be patient - you WILL receive confirmation of your application/intent not to play.

2019-03-04 Player 'draft' has been done.  All players will be contacted, letting them know the team they are on. 

2019-03-10 CTAOT 2019 is 'in the books.'  Congrats to Team Australia!  Thanks to all for participating and see you next year! 
