Tournament Pages: Welcome / Status / Age 35+ / Fees - Sign Up / Application Form / Structure - Rules / Important Dates / Contacts / Rosters / History / Arena Amenities / Sponsors / Hydration of the Body
CTAOT: Fees / Sign Up
Crowchild Twin Arena Oldtimers (CTAOT)
Hockey Tournament
Entry fee is $80.00 per participant (including goalies)
Includes 4 games @ 1 hour & 15 minutes each (with referees, Timekeeper/Scorekeeper), jersey/socks rental, a beverage or two!
Cheap at twice the price!
Late Payment Fee: $25.00
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"I'm interested in playing. How do I sign up?"
PREVIOUS participant: If you played in the tournament LAST YEAR, you will be contacted (via e-mail), to invite you to participate in this year's tournament. Each participant will be requested to fill out the Tournament Application Form (see our Application Form page).
NEW participant: If you DID NOT play in the tournament LAST YEAR, please fill out the Tournament Application Form (found here on our Application Form page). You will be added to our 'waiting list' and an appropriate Tournament Organizer will be assigned to you.
For both PREVIOUS and NEW participants, our Tournament General Contact may contact you, to verify any of your submitted information.
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Once we've made sure there is room for you (in this year's tournament), one of our Tournament Organizers will contact you, to give you confirmation that you are 'IN' the tournament. For both PREVIOUS and NEW participants, you will be given directions on when to pay your tournament entry fee.
Once you have been instructed (by one of our Tournament Organizers) to pay your tournament entry fee, please use one of the payment options specified below:
1. THIS IS FOR 2019 ONLY - ETRF (electronic funds transfer) is the preferred method of payment this year. Please send an ETRF (electronic funds transfer), for the entry fee amount specified above, to '' and please use 'hockey' as the security question answer.
2. If you cannot make your payment via ETRF, cheques will be accepted. Please make out a cheque (NO CASH, PLEASE!), payable to: "Dan Herauf," and deliver/mail it to: 4614 - 80 Street NW (in Bowness), Calgary, Alberta T3B 2P3, as soon as possible.
If the cheque is not in your name (e.g. in wife's name or is a company cheque), please indicate which participant(s) the cheque is for. Any bank charges (for any cheques that 'bounce') will be charged back to the appropriate participant PLUS a CTAOT $50.00 service fee (for the freakin' royal run-around effort to clear the cheque). Thank you.
First come, first serve - your payment guarantees your spot. No pay, no play - sorry. Get your payment in early, will fill up fast! This applies to 'PREVIOUS participants' and to 'NEW participants.' We don't take 'reservations' and we do keep a 'waiting list' (you can be replaced).
Payments WILL be returned, to those who don't get in (when 'SOLD OUT'). Please see our 'Cancellation Deadline' (on our IMPORTANT DATES page) for participants who 'drop out' of the tournament.
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"I'll play in the tournament as long as I can be on the same team as Bobby."
Sorry, but due to the horrendous logistics of trying to fulfill 'buddy' requests, while maintaining 'balanced' teams, we don't accept any 'buddy' requests.
If you don't get placed on the same team, as your 'bromance,' don't worry. The games are played 'back to back' (time-wise) and are played on 'side by side' ice surfaces, so you won't be apart for long. You'll see each other either 'on the ice' or at the 'bar' upstairs, after the games.
Trust me - it's fun to play against your buds. They think twice about trying that 'dirty dangle' against you - you know all their so-called 'sweet' moves!!