Crowchild Twin Arena Oldtimers (CTAOT) Hockey Tournament 07: Important Dates

Tournament Pages: Welcome / Status / Age 35+ / Fees - Sign Up / Application Form / Structure - Rules / Important Dates / Contacts / Rosters / History / Arena Amenities / Sponsors / Hydration of the Body



Crowchild Twin Arena Oldtimers (CTAOT)
Hockey Tournament

January 15, 2019: Application open to age 35+ participants who played in last year's tournament (35+, previous participant).

February 1, 2019: Application open to age 35+ participants who did not play in last year's tournament (35+, new participant).

February 15, 2019: If extra participants are still required, application open to age 19+ participants who played in last year's tournament (19+, previous participant).

February 21, 2019: If extra participants are still required, application open to age 19+ participants who did not play in last year's tournament (19+, new participant).

February 24, 2019: All payments are due.  For those who have not yet paid, you are now responsible for the 'Late Payment Fee,' as well.  We will go to 'waiting list' to replace those participants who have not yet made their payment.  T-shirts are ordered.

Sunday, February 24, 2019, 1:00am MST: Cancellation Deadline.  After this deadline, no refunds for cancellation - sorry, no exceptions (e.g. health, wealth, kids' tournaments, ovulation, whatever, . . . ).


(Week starting Monday, March 4, 2019: 'Draft' meeting + go to 'waiting list' (if necessary)).

Sunday, March 4, 2019, 5:00pm MST: 'Draft' meeting (more fun than 'TSN TradeCentre').

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 (at some point in the day): All participants will be notified, via e-mail, as to what team they are on. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019 (give or take a day): Participant names (and teams) will be posted on our Rosters page here.

Before the 'draft' meeting, please do not call or e-mail your Tournament Organizer, asking "What team am I on?"  The Tournament Organizers won't know yet.

After the 'draft' meeting, please do not call or e-mail your Tournament Organizer, asking "What team am I on?"  The Tournament Organizers don't have the time to respond to umpteen inquiries, for information that will be posted.  Again, please refer to the Rosters page.