How's Your English? (website content editing 2)

About Us 

Since 1992, How's Your English? ( has supplied Clients with the professional services of highly skilled English language content editors / proofreaders / professional Business Analysts.

Via simple proofreading and content editing, we work with Clients to correct their written / published English, therefore improving the quality (and readability) of their web content / emails / documents / signs.  We don't write or rewrite your copy - we just make what you wrote sound better, with no 'broken English.'  And to protect your privacy, we are willing to sign NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements), so your private documents / intellectual property is safe with us.

 If English is not your first language (ESL: English as a Second Language) and you need someone to find / correct your simple written / published mistakes, we can help.


What Can We Fix 

1. Websites: As long as we can view your website, we can find your grammar / syntax errors, and let you know what they are (and then you arrange to fix your errors, at your leisure).  Works wonders for 'non-English language country' web sites (those written in English, of course).
These services are typically delivered at competitive rates, as low as US$25.00 per website page.


2. Marketing e-mails: Having trouble putting together grammatically / syntactically correct English language e-mail messages?  Nothing looks worse than a badly written, spelling error filled email message.  Most of those are treated as spam/phishing, and will be deleted as soon as they are received.  We can help you with those email messages.  Your customers (and your sales!) will be glad you did!
Again, we charge competitive rates for this service, as low as US$25.00 per email page.


3. Letters / Resumes / CVs / job applications / papers / longer documents / other items (charts, menus, hotel details for guests, etc.): To save the hassle of you repetitively saying "Change it, that's not what I meant, please change it again," we suggest working interactively with YOU, the subject matter expert (remotely via video conferencing or via phone calls).  That way, your ideas and direction are followed right from the beginning.

We will require you to schedule a meeting / session with us, where the meeting / session is at a date / time that is mutually convenient to you and us.  Minimum billing will be 1/2 hour, with billing to continue in 15 minute increments (for any portion of 15 minutes).  Billing will commence as soon as the meeting /session or phone call starts.  Please remember: We are in the MT (Mountain) time zone.
For this service, we offer competitive hourly rates, as low as US$50.00 per hour.

Note: We are not lawyers.  If you need help with legal documents / legal verbiage / etc., for best results, please contact a lawyer.


4. Signs: "5th floor, 4th floor, 3th floor, 2th floor, 1th floor."  Cute (while still understandable) but probably not what you want your guests to see.  Let us help you correct those mistakes (example above should be "..., 3rd floor, 2nd floor, 1st floor").
Rates 'per sign' are US$25.00, with a maximum of 50 words per sign, please.


Let's Get Started

No job is too big or too small!

1. Just contact us via, sending us a general description of what you need done, and we can get started.

2. In most cases, we can offer you '1 day' service.  As long as we have received your requested details by 5:00 pm MT, we should be able to get the fixed copy to you, by 9:00 am MT the next day.

3. We will direct you to make your payment immediately, on our website.  Non-payment buys you the privilege of seeing your name/website posted in our 'I am a Welcher' section (and social media goes a long way)!

Please note: We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, especially where we feel your content is offensive and / or discriminatory OR where we feel you should seek the services of licensed professionals (lawyers, therapists, etc.).


Contact Us

How's Your English? (
4614 - 80 Street NW
Calgary, Alberta  T3B 2P3
Telephone: (Country code 001) T403.547.3118

E-mail:  (change the 'AT' to '@' to use this e-mail.  We are trying to avoid s_pam)

Currently and until further notice, we are not interested in any internet marketing solutions, SEO, link building, copyrighting, web designing, PHP, .NET, website promotions, or search engine improvements proposals.  We will not respond to any inquiries regarding any of these.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


All prices are in US$.



All products and companies mentioned throughout this site are trademarks of their respective companies.

Copyright 2024 How's Your English? (a little piece of, Inc.)

All rights reserved.